1. Acqweb (1994‐2001), Directory of Collection Development Policies on the Web, available at: http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/cd_policy.html (accessed October 25, 2004).
2. American Library Association (1996), Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements, American Library Association, Chicago, IL.
3. Association of Research Libraries (2004), “ARL member libraries’ information servers”, available at: www.arl.org/members.html (accessed October 25, 2004).
4. Gorman, G.E. and Miller, R.H. (1997), Collection Management for the 21st Century, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT.
5. Evans, E.E. (2000), Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Libraries Unlimited, Englewood, CO.