1. Calder et al., v.
Attorney-General of British Columbia
(1973), SCR 313, available at: http://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/5113/index.do (accessed 19 March 2016).
2. First Nations Health Authority (Interim)
(2012), “Navigating the currents of change: transitioning to a new First Nations health governance structure”, available at: www.fnha.ca/Documents/iFNHA_Consensus_Paper_2012.pdf (accessed 19 March 2016).
3. First Nations Health Authority
(n.d.), “Engagement process”, available at: www.fnha.ca/about/governance-and-accountability/engagement-process (accessed 19 March 2016).
4. First Nations Health Council
(2011), “British Columbia First Nations perspectives on a new health governance arrangement: consensus paper”, available at: www.fnha.ca/Documents/FNHC_Consensus_Paper.pdf (accessed 19 March 2016).
5. First Nations Health Council: North Regional Health Caucus-Northern Health Authority-First Nations Health Authority (Interim)
Northern Partnership Accord
, available at: www.fnhc.ca/pdf/Northern_Partnership_Accord_May_11,_2012.pdf (accessed 19 March 2016).