Compares Layard, Nickell and Jackman′s empirical model of UK
unemployment with other time‐series econometric studies to assess
whether the balance of evidence supports their analysis. Compares
estimates of the effect on the UK NAIRU of factors such as benefits,
union strength, mismatch, taxes, the exchange rate and hysteresis.
Highlights and discusses differences of approach – e.g. to the
exogeneity of the real exchange rate, the permanence of wedge effects
and to hysteresis. Empirical results are found to be very sensitive to
the precise way in which models are formulated and estimated. This
suggests that any estimates of the level of the NAIRU are likely to be
unreliable. Finds however, considerable empirical support for the kind
of interactions between wages, prices and unemployment that Layard,
Nickell and Jackman include in their model.
General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Cited by
14 articles.