Collivignarelli Carlo,Bina Stefano
As is known, leachate produced in a municipal solid waste landfill
has very high concentrations of organic and inorganic pollution
substances. Hence when present in deep or surface waters, it produces
serious effects on health because of pollution of drinkable water
sources. Therefore, in order to correctly define a management
alternative for landfill leachate disposal, an experiment about its
joint treatment with domestic wastewater in a biological full scale
plant was developed. This treatment method which is the most used in
Italy, among the disposal alternatives for leachate, poses problems
connected with the definition of correct load rates between the two
components (domestic wastewater and landfill leachate). The experiment
which it was intended would verify the real feasibility of the
treatment, was conducted over a six‐month period, on a wastewater
treatment plant in Folzano, Brescia, Italy. Experimentation was
developed by gradually increasing leachate input and maintaining process
conditions under analytical control. In particular, metals adsorption by
the sludge and their effect on the efficiency of the process was
measured. During the experiment pollution loads on the plant reached
much higher values than ones due to domestic wastewater only (for
example: the ratio between COD due to leachate and COD due to domestic
waste increased to 9:5). Biological systems have shown a remarkable
capacity for treating leachate, at least concerning COD while the
removal efficiency of nitrogen was negatively influenced by the great
leachate flows. In conclusion, these results show an effective
applicability of this solution (if the leachate dosage is maintained
under certain limits) and suggest the development of some pretreatment
(such as ammonia stripping and metals precipitation) able to greatly
improve the biological treatment of the leachate.
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2 articles.