There is an ever increasing demand for highly
flexible and geographically mobile professional and
managerial staff in many UK companies. This
means that the effective management of career
development, succession planning, job mobility
and relocation will be among the major challenges
facing industrial and commercial organisations in
the 1990s. The article describes the way that two
large UK companies currently manage (and
mismanage) job mobility and relocation. In 1987
the IMS described the general management of
mobility and relocation as “ad hoc and kneejerk”.
The findings of this study lend some support to
this contention. It discusses the implications of
these early findings for these companies and other
organisations. It concludes by briefly discussing
the implications for UK companies and personnel
managers, and briefly outlines the future goals of
the research project.
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Applied Psychology
Cited by
18 articles.