1. European Commission (1994), Greece: Community Support Framework, 1994–1999. Objective 1. Structural development and adjustment of regions whose development is lagging behind: document, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
2. European Commission Libraries Programme (1994), An Assessment of the Libraries Programme 1991–1994, 3 vols.
3. Moreleli‐Cacouris, M. (1993), “Library education in Greece”, in Keller, D. (Ed.), Academic Libraries in Greece: the Present Situation and Future Prospects, The Haworth Press, New York, pp. 39‐53.
4. National Book Centre and Ionian University (1998), Recording and Classification of Greek Libraries: a Report, National Book Centre, Athens (in Greek).
5. National Statistical Service of Greece (1998), Cultural Statistics: Years 1993 and 1994, National Statistical Service of Greece, Athens (ESYE, in Greek).