Just why do we need school libraries? Some ideas from students


Kenneth Shenton Andrew


Purpose – The paper aims to explore the purposes of school libraries as they are viewed by teenagers attending a high school in northern England. Design/methodology/approach – The work is based on qualitative data contributed by 245 youngsters. Their material was coded inductively and frequency counts were generated in order to determine the balance of the data in relation to individual themes. Findings – Typically, the school library was understood as an area that made available books either for pleasure reading or academic purposes. No participant referred either to the work of librarians or to the value of libraries in enabling the user to find information in support of personal interests. Research limitations/implications – The research took place in only one school and it may well have been the case that many students who were apathetic towards school libraries simply declined the opportunity to participate in the work. Practical implications – Although the attitudes of the young people who contributed data were to an overwhelming degree constructive, key gaps were evident in their awareness of the potential of a school library. These are best rectified by managers developing their facility in such a way that it serves to demonstrate effectively to students the roles that the school library can play in a diversity of situations. Originality/value – Much of the published literature dealing with the purposes of school libraries and the prerequisites necessary to ensure their effectiveness pays little regard to the ideas of young people themselves. This paper goes some way towards remedying the deficiency.




Library and Information Sciences

Reference26 articles.

1. Barrett, L. (2010), “Effective school libraries: evidence of impact on student achievement”, School Librarian, Vol. 58 No. 3, pp. 136-139.

2. Barrett, L. and Douglas, J. (2004), The CILIP Guidelines for Secondary School Libraries, Facet, London.

3. CILIP/DfES/SLA/ASCEL (2003), “School libraries making a difference”, available at: www.schoollibrariesadvocacy.org.uk/toolkit/making_a_difference.pdf (accessed 27 December 2013).

4. Gibbons, A. (2008), “What's a library?”, Alan Gibbons' Blog, 2 December, available at: http://alangibbons.net/2008/12/whats-a-library/ (accessed 27 December 2013).

5. Glaser, B.G. and Strauss, A. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research, Aldine, Chicago, IL.

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