A novel deep learning method to use feature complementarity for review helpfulness prediction


Li Xinzhe,Li Qinglong,Jeong Dasom,Kim Jaekyeong


Purpose Most previous studies predicting review helpfulness ignored the significance of deep features embedded in review text and instead relied on hand-crafted features. Hand-crafted and deep features have the advantages of high interpretability and predictive accuracy. This study aims to propose a novel review helpfulness prediction model that uses deep learning (DL) techniques to consider the complementarity between hand-crafted and deep features. Design/methodology/approach First, an advanced convolutional neural network was applied to extract deep features from unstructured review text. Second, this study used previous studies to extract hand-crafted features that impact the helpfulness of reviews and enhance their interpretability. Third, this study incorporated deep and hand-crafted features into a review helpfulness prediction model and evaluated its performance using the Yelp.com data set. To measure the performance of the proposed model, this study used 2,417,796 restaurant reviews. Findings Extensive experiments confirmed that the proposed methodology performs better than traditional machine learning methods. Moreover, this study confirms through an empirical analysis that combining hand-crafted and deep features demonstrates better prediction performance. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the first studies to apply DL techniques and use structured and unstructured data to predict review helpfulness in the restaurant context. In addition, an advanced feature-fusion method was adopted to better use the extracted feature information and identify the complementarity between features.










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