Flexible working practices and the trade unions


Croucher Richard,Brewster Chris


This article examines the problems that the expansion and spread of flexible working patterns have created for the trade unions. Drawing evidence from across Europe, but focusing on the UK, it is argued that the decline in unionism has a number of antecedents, of which an important factor is the change in the way people are employed. A number of examples of flexible working are examined and the implications of each for union membership and influence are outlined. The paper ends by exploring what the UK unions are doing, and could be doing, to address these issues.




Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Industrial relations

Reference34 articles.

1. Atkinson, J. and Meager, N. (1986), Changing Working Patterns: How Companies Achieve Flexibility to Meet New Ends, National Economic Development Office, London.

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4. Brewster, C. (1997), “Flexible working in Europe: extent, growth and challenge for HRM”, in Sparrow, P., McGoldrick, A. and Marchington, M. (Eds), HRM: the New Agenda, Pitmans, London.

5. Brewster, C. and Mayne, L. (1996), “Flexible employment in Europe”, Journal of Professional HRM, No 5, October, pp. 3‐8.

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