1. Anti-Money Laundering Law (2014), “The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw law no. 11, 2014”, available at: http://myanmarpoliceforce.org/mm/dmdocuments/AntiMoneyLaunderingLaw.pdf (accessed 31 July 2017).
2. Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APGML) (2008), “APG mutual evaluation report on Myanmar: against the FATF 40 recommendations (2003) and 9 special recommendations”, available at: www.apgml.org/includes/handlers/get-document.ashx?d=6ff3594d-f621-4f87-a60e-393e7577533d (accessed 31 July 2017).
3. Aye Thidar Kyaw (2014), “Hundi remittance lives on”, Myanmar Times, 15 July, available at: www.mmtimes.com/special-features/194-your-money-2014/11067-hundi-remittance-lives-on.html
4. Department of State (2009), “International narcotics control strategy report (INCSR) volume II: money laundering and financial crimes (extract on Burma)”, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, available at: www.state.gov/p/inl/rls/nrcrpt/2009/vol2/116552.htm