PurposeThis research analyzes the impact of transformational leadership on task performance in sales team members, considering the mediating role of leader–member exchange (LMX), perceived organizational support and work engagement.Design/methodology/approachA structural equations model was analyzed utilizing the partial least squares (PLS-SEM) method based on data collected from a survey of 142 members and 19 leaders of sales teams in Colombian companies.FindingsThe present study establishes that social exchange variables, including perceived organizational support and LMX, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and task performance. Nevertheless, work engagement does not demonstrate a statistically significant mediating effect.Originality/valueThe outcomes of this study contribute significant insights into how transformational leadership, directly and indirectly, affects task performance in an emerging economy. It specifically addresses the cultural context of Colombia, marked by a high distance to power and a perceived low aversion to uncertainty – contrary to a desired higher uncertainty avoidance.