Scholarly publication venue recommender systems


Dehdarirad Hossein,Ghazimirsaeid Javad,Jalalimanesh Ammar


PurposeThe purpose of this investigation is to identify, evaluate, integrate and summarize relevant and qualified papers through conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) on the application of recommender systems (RSs) to suggest a scholarly publication venue for researcher's paper.Design/methodology/approachTo identify the relevant papers published up to August 11, 2018, an SLR study on four databases (Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect) was conducted. We pursued the guidelines presented by Kitchenham and Charters (2007) for performing SLRs in software engineering. The papers were analyzed based on data sources, RSs classes, techniques/methods/algorithms, datasets, evaluation methodologies and metrics, as well as future directions.FindingsA total of 32 papers were identified. The most data sources exploited in these papers were textual (title/abstract/keywords) and co-authorship data. The RS classes in the selected papers were almost equally used. DBLP was the main dataset utilized. Cosine similarity, social network analysis (SNA) and term frequency–inverse document frequency (TF–IDF) algorithm were frequently used. In terms of evaluation methodologies, 24 papers applied only offline evaluations. Furthermore, precision, accuracy and recall metrics were the popular performance metrics. In the reviewed papers, “use more datasets” and “new algorithms” were frequently mentioned in the future work part as well as conclusions.Originality/valueGiven that a review study has not been conducted in this area, this paper can provide an insight into the current status in this area and may also contribute to future research in this field.




Library and Information Sciences,Information Systems

Reference63 articles.

1. The urge to publish more and its consequences;Daru Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2014

2. Recommendation of scholarly venues based on dynamic user interests;Journal of Informetrics,2017

3. Recommending scientific collaboration based on topical, authors and venues similarities,2018

4. Recommender systems: a systematic review of the state of the art literature and suggestions for future research;Kybernetes,2018

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