Unraveling the dark side of resilience: entrepreneurial resilience diversity in new venture teams and entrepreneurial performance


Jiao Yishuo,Zhu RenhongORCID,Fu JialiangORCID,Liu Qin,Li XiaoweiORCID


PurposePrevious studies may have overstated the benefits of entrepreneurial resilience while neglecting its potential adverse effects, especially in the context of team entrepreneurship. This study focuses on the structural characteristics of resilience, entrepreneurial team resilience diversity, to delve into the potential dark side effects of entrepreneurial resilience. Drawn upon the similarity-attraction theory, this study investigates the detrimental impact of entrepreneurial team resilience diversity on entrepreneurial performance from the team-member exchange (TMX) perspective, which describes the reciprocal relationships within a team and the moderating effect of environmental hostility.Design/methodology/approachThe study collected data by conducting a two-wave survey. With the assistance of officials from entrepreneurship service agencies, entrepreneurship parks and entrepreneurship training institutions in southeast China, this study collected survey data from 361 participants of 91 entrepreneurial teams. The current research conducted empirical tests with SPSS and PROCESS macro to test the hypotheses.FindingsEmpirical results from a two-wave survey of 91 entrepreneurial teams in China reveal the detrimental effects of entrepreneurial resilience. In the context of team entrepreneurship, the diversity of a team’s entrepreneurial resilience negatively impacts entrepreneurial performance by impairing the quality of TMX. Moreover, the indirect effect of TMX is strengthened in more hostile environments.Originality/valueExisting studies have mainly focused on the positive side of resilience. However, based on the similarity-attraction theory, this study explores the potential adverse effects of the structural characteristics of entrepreneurial team resilience from the perspective of team-member exchange (TMX). This study enriches the literature on resilience by demonstrating how resilience functions in new venture teams and challenges the assumption that resilience is universally beneficial to entrepreneurs. Introducing team members with high resilience in a hostile environment may not always benefit the team, deepening the understanding of entrepreneurial resilience when confronting adversities.



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