1. Association of College and Research Libraries
(2000), “Information literacy competency standards for higher education”, available at: www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency (accessed November 18, 2014).
2. Association of College and Research Libraries
(2014), “Framework for information literacy for higher education”, third Draft, available at: http://acrl.ala.org/ilstandards/?page_id=133 (accessed December 9, 2014).
3. Association of College and Research Libraries
(2015), “Board of Directors Action Form, ACRL MW15 Doc 4.0”, available at: http://acrl.ala.org/ilstandards/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Framework-MW15-Board-Docs.pdf (accessed February 13, 2015).
4. Claremont Colleges Curriculum Tools
, Curriculum Maps (2013-2014), available at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/ccct_cmaps/ (accessed December 11, 2014).
5. Cornell University
, Assessment of Student Learning (n.d.), available at: http://provost.cornell.edu/assessment/learning_outcomes.cfm (accessed December 11, 2014).