1. Ayscough, F.
(1966a), “Notes on R.M.C. Duntroon discussions between members of the Professorial Board’s Standing Committee R.M.C. Duntroon and staff of R.M.C. 12-13 May, 1966”, University of New South Wales, CN1160.B268, University of New South Wales Archives (UNSWA), Kensington, Sydney, May 16.
2. Ayscough, F.
(1966b), “Report of the Interim Duntroon Committee of the Professorial Board”, CN1160.B268, University of New South Wales (UNSWA), Sydney, June 7.
3. Baxter, P.
(1966a), “The University of New South Wales and the Royal Military College”, Tharunka, CN269.B2, UNSWA, June 14, p. 4.
4. Baxter, P.
(1966b), “To Minister for Army Malcolm Fraser”, CN1160.B268, UNSWA, Sydney, September 13.
5. Baxter, P.
(1966c), “To Professor Rex Vowels”, CN269.B2.D‘66, UNSWA, Sydney, July 22.