1. Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act
2. Dare v. Crown Prosecution Service
[2012] EWHC 2074 (Admin).
3. Dewhirst, B.
(2004), “The money laundering problem, Institute of Credit Management Ltd.”, available at: www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-699221611.html (accessed 22 April 2013).
4. Financial Action Task Force (FATF-GAFI)
(2012), “What is money laundering?”, available at: www.fatf-gafi.org/pages/faq/moneylaundering/ (accessed 21 April 2013).
5. Graycar, A.
Grabosky, P.
(1996), Money Laundering in the 21st Century: Risks and Countermeasures, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.