1. Anisescu, C. (2002), “Dinamica de structură şi rol a reţelei informative in perioada 1948-1989 [The dynamics of structure and role in the informers' network in the period 1948-1989]”, in Stere, M. (Ed.), Arhivele Securităţii Vol. I [The Securitate Archives I], Editura Pro Historia, Bucureşti, pp. 10-50.
2. Anisescu, C. (2007), “‘Partiturile’ agenturii [The ‘scores’ of the informer network]”, in Anisescu, C., Moldovan, S.B. and Matiu, M. (Eds), ‘Partiturile’ Securităţii: Directive, Ordine, Instrucţiuni (1947-1987) [The Securitate's ‘Scores’: Directives, Orders, and Instructions (1947-1987)], Nemira, Bucureşti, pp. 16-43.