1. Cordle, H., Fradgley, J., Carson, J., Holloway, F. and Richards, P. (Eds) (2011), Psychosis Stories of Recovery and Hope, Quay Books, London.
2. Deegan, P. (1996), “Recovery as a journey of the heart”, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 91‐7.
3. Voyce, A. (2009), The Durham Light and Other Stories: A Personal History of Homelessness and Schizophrenia, Chipmunka Press, London.
4. Voyce, A., Cordle, H. and Hovlind, O. (2012), Side Effects, available at: medsinasylums@yahoo.co.uk, Copies of side effects can be purchased from Andrew directly.