VET in the European aircraft and space industry


Bremer Rainer


PurposeThis article aims to take up a mirror image‐oriented position of the EQF and the announced ECVET system. It seeks to be concerned with the effects that the EQF transformation process into the respective NQF might have on the underlying systems of vocational education and training.Design/methodology/approachA comparison is drawn between the competence development the four different VET systems in France, Germany, Spain, and the UK initiated by the identical qualification demands of the sector of aircraft industry (AIRBUS plants in France, Germany, Spain, and the UK). This serves as a finding for the evaluation of the EQF and the effects it will could on the sector of the European aircraft industry.FindingsThree hypothesises on: convergence of skill requirements because of the technologies and procedures tend to become the same all over the world if the same products are manufactured; divergence of the national VET systems as a consequence of adaptation such requirements; and a structural reference between requirements and the development of competence, are tested and validated.Research limitations/implicationsThe research was confined to the aircraft and space industry and one enterprise co‐operating in France, Germany, Spain, and the UK.Practical implicationsIt was possible to establish two European occupational profiles for this sector (aircraft mechanic and avionic). The applicability of a method for depicting competence development based on Havighurst's theory of developmental tasks, is expected to be improved.Originality/valueA method of evaluating competence development was applied that can be used, despite some differences.




Development,General Business, Management and Accounting,Education

Reference12 articles.

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