1. Easton, G. (1982), Learning from Case Studies, Prentice Hall, London.
2. Fletcher, W. (1999), Trantrums and Talent: How to Get the Best from Creative People, World Advertising Research Centre, London.
3. Klein, A. (1995), “Case methodology and teacher education: an American perspective”, in Klein, H. (Ed.), Proceedings of WACRA ’95, World Association for Case Research & Application, Leysin.
4. Knowles, M. and Baud, D. (1988), Developing Student Autonomy in Learning, Kogan Page, London.
5. Lamont, L. (1995) in Klein, H. (Ed.), “Developing management case studies with undergraduate research teams”, Proceedings of WACRA ’95, World Association for Case Research & Application, Leysin.