1. 1.The Japanese term“chuzai‐in” refers to those assigned to overseas posts, generally for a period of three to five years. For a discussion of the meanings associated with such assignments, see Hamada (1992).
2. 2.I use the term“kaigai kanren gaisha” (overseas affiliate) as opposed to “agai kogaisha” which means specifically “overseas subsidiary,” and indicates a closer relationship with head office operations in Japan. Use of the term “affiliate” implies greater independence in making financial and managerial decisions.
3. 3.Telephone conversation with Diane Simpson, 17 July 1995.
4. Bowman, J. and Caison, F. 1986, “Japanese management in America: experts evaluate Japanese subsidiaries”, SAM Advanced Management Journal, Vol. 51, Summer, pp. 22‐8.
5. Cherry, K. 1987, Womansword: What Japanese Words Say about Women, Kodansha International, New York, NY.