Exploring virtual facilitation of co-development


Clottes Heikkilä Heli,Kurki Anna-Leena


Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate facilitator’s tools and actions in promoting interaction in virtual co-development. Design/methodology/approach In virtual environments, facilitation plays a crucial role. However, research does not provide many examples of tools and practices of virtual facilitation of co-development. To collect data, two virtual co-development processes were conducted. The data consisted of discussions during virtual workshops and was analyzed using both theory- and data-driven content analysis. Findings The discussions during the virtual co-development processes related on the topic and script of co-development and the use of digital technology. In co-development, both the facilitators and the participants take responsibility on the topic and the progression of the session. The facilitator needs to balance between offering the participants tools, supporting interaction and leaving empty space for the participants’ initiatives to enhance their agency. Originality/value The study underlines the importance of the script and tools in virtual facilitation as well as flexibility in the execution of co-development processes.



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