1. Abram, S. (2013), “Chapter six”, in Janes, J. (Ed.), Library 2020: Today’s Leading Visionaries Describe Tomorrow’s Library, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, MD, pp. 41-54.
2. Common Core State Standards Initiative (2016), “Preparing America’s students for success”, available at: www.corestandards.org/ (accessed October 22, 2016).
3. Fontichiaro, K. (2013), “Chapter two”, in Janes, J. (Ed.), Library 2020: Today’s Leading Visionaries Describe Tomorrow’s Library, Scarecrow Press, Lanham, MD, pp. 7-13.
4. International Association of Library Associations and Institutions (2013), “Riding the waves or caught in the tide: navigating the evolving information environment, insights from the IFLA trend report”, available at: http://trends.ifla.org/insights-document (accessed October 22, 2016).