A new taxonomy of modern manufacturing practices


Bolden Richard,Waterson Patrick,Warr Peter,Clegg Chris,Wall Toby


Outlines a comprehensive taxonomy of modern manufacturing practices. Previous attempts have tended to be partial in coverage and to concentrate on performance issues, rather than explain the reasons why a particular practice may have been adopted. In order to overcome these problems, the new taxonomy categorizes manufacturing practices according to two dimensions: strategic emphasis and primary domain of application. Suggests 20 different categories of practice for a total of 87 practices. Supplements the taxonomy by a list of definitions which specify each of the practices identified. Considers practical implications of the taxonomy, as well as its limitations. Future research suggestions include using the taxonomy to provide the basis for systematic surveys of manufacturing, as well as closer examination of the links between companies’ manufacturing strategy and financial performance.




Management of Technology and Innovation,Strategy and Management,General Decision Sciences

Reference34 articles.

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2. 2.Ingersoll Engineers, Competitive Manufacturing: The Quiet Revolution, Ingersoll Engineers, Rugby, 1990.

3. 3.Parker, S.K. and Wall, T.D., “Job design and modern manufacturing”, in Warr, P.B. (Ed.)Psychology at Work, fourth edition, Penguin Books, London, 1995.

4. 4.Cummings, T. and Blumberg, M., “Advanced manufacturing technology and work design”, in Wall, T.D., Clegg, C.W. and Kemp, N.J. (Eds), The Human Side of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987.

5. 5.Hayes, R.H., Wheelwright, S.C. and Clark, K., Dynamic Manufacturing, Free Press, New York, NY, 1988.

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