1. Aberdeen Council Service Standards (1997
2. Argyll and Bute Council (1997, Internet site: http://www.cqm.co.uk/ab_leisure/ relating to Arts, Libraries and Museums services.
3. Audit Commission (1995, Paying the Piper…. Calling the Tune: People, Pay and Performance in Local Government, Management Handbook/Audit Commission for Local Authorities and the National Health Service in England and Wales, s5, p.33.
4. Berry (1995, On Great Service: A Framework for Action, The Free Press, New York, NY.
5. Brennan, C. and Douglas, A. (1997, “Setting standards in Scottish local government services: balancing the ‘provider interest’ with the ‘consumer interest’”, Proceedings of the 17th International Home Economics and Consumer Studies Research Conference, School of Management and Consumer Studies, University of Dundee.