1. Baldrige National Quality Program (2009), Baldrige, Your Guide to Performance Excellence, available at: www.baldrige.nist.gov/PDF_files/Your%20_Guide_to_Performance_Excellence.pdf (accessed September 21, 2009).
2. Baldrige National Quality Program (2011), Baldrige Award Application Summaries, available at: www.baldrige.nist.gov/Contacts_Profiles.htm (accessed September 9, 2011).
3. Bush, H. (2008), “Revving up the quality campaign”, Hospitals & Health Networks, Vol. 82 No. 9, pp. 44-46.
4. Camp, R.C. (1989), “Benchmarking: the search for best practices that lead to superior performance”, Quality Progress, vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 61-68; No. 2, pp. 70-75; No. 3, pp. 76-82; No. 4, pp. 62-69; No. 5, pp. 66-68.
5. FMEA: A model for reducing medical errors