Organizational identity and behaviors in strategic networks


Kohtamäki Marko,Thorgren Sara,Wincent Joakim


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop and test a framework describing the interplay between collective organizational identity, network behaviors and performance in strategic networks. Design/methodology/approach – The study uses data from 141 firms that participated in strategic networks. Structural equation modeling is used to test the hypotheses. Findings – This study demonstrates how a firm’s collective organizational identity directs managerial perceptions toward partner’s opportunism in strategic networks; how these views shape interactions with network partners; and how these interactions facilitate firm adaptations within strategic networks. Moreover, it demonstrates how network adaptations affect the satisfaction with strategic network performance and how this ultimately loops back to influence organizational identity. Research limitations/implications – Given the limits of quantitative research to capture the mechanisms driving network collaborations, further case-based research on the role of organizational identity for network behaviors is needed. Practical implications – The results highlight the importance of collective organizational identity for network behaviors and positive performance outcomes. Firms that intend to engage in strategic networks should develop a collective organizational identity that supports implementing the network strategy. The results emphasize the importance of developing a collective organizational identity. Originality/value – Organizational identity in facilitating network behaviors.




Marketing,Business and International Management

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