Commuting while Black: compensating differentials and Black–White wage gap in Canada


Dilmaghani MaryamORCID


PurposeUsing the Canadian Census of 2016, the present study examines the Black and White gap in compensating differentials for their commute to work.Design/methodology/approachThe data are from the Canadian Census of 2016. The standard Mincerian wage regression, augmented by commute-related variables and their confounders, is estimated by OLS. The estimations use sample weights and heteroscedasticity robust standard errors.FindingsIn the standard Mincerian wage regressions, Black men are found to earn non-negligibly less than White men. No such gap is found among women. When the Mincerian wage equation is augmented by commute duration and its confounders, commute duration is revealed to positively predict wages of White men and negatively associate with wages of Black men. At the same time, in the specifications including commute duration and its confounders, the coefficient for the dummy variable identifying Black men is positive with a non-negligible size. The latter pattern indicates wage discrepancies among Black men by their commute duration. Again, no difference is found between Black and White women in these estimations.Research limitations/implicationsThe main caveat is that due to data limitations, causal estimates could not be produced.Practical implicationsFor the Canadian working men, the uncovered patterns indicate both between and within race gaps in the impact of commuting on wages. Particularly, Black men seem to commute longer towards relatively lower paying jobs, while the opposite holds for their White counterparts. However, Black men who reside close to their work earn substantially more than both otherwise identical White men and Black men who live far away from their jobs. The implications for research and policy are discussed.Originality/valueThis is the first paper focused on commute compensating differentials by race using Canadian data.









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