1. Brindley, L.J. (2009), “We're in danger of losing our memories”, The Observer, 25 January, available at: www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/jan/25/internet‐heritage?INTCMP=SRCH (accessed 18 July 2012).
2. Brindley, L.J., Wade, M.J. and Green, A.M.W. (2012), “National memories and digital delays”, The Times ( London), 24 May.
3. British Library (1998), Report of the Working Party on Legal Deposit, available at: www.bl.uk/aboutus/stratpolprog/legaldep/report/index.html (accessed 18 July 2012).
4. Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2009), “Proposal on the collection and preservation of UK offline and microform publications and UK online publications: (available free of charge and without access restrictions)”, available at: www.culture.gov.uk/reference_library/consultations/6506.aspx (accessed 18 July 2012).
5. Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2010a), Consultation on the Draft Legal Deposit Libraries ( Non‐print Publications) Regulations 2011, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, London, available at: www.culture.gov.uk/consultations/7449.aspx (accessed 18 July 2012).