1. Prompted Recall in Global Positioning System Survey: Proof-of-Concept Study
2. Casas, J. and C. Arce (1999). Trip Reporting in Household Travel Diaries: A Comparison to GPS-Collected Data, Paper presented at the 78thAnnual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January.
3. Chung, E. and A. Shalaby (2004a). Development of a Trip Reconstruction Tool to Identify Traveled Links and Used Modes for GPS-based Personal Travel Surveys, Paper presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January.
4. Chung, E. T. Y. , and A. Shalaby (2004b). An Integrated GPS-GIS System for Personal Travel Surveys, Poster presented at the GEOIDE Annual Conference, Quebec, May.