Factors influencing researchers to publish in open-access: Is it a self-decision or a self-reinforcing cycle?


Hadad ShlomitORCID,Aharony NoaORCID


PurposeThe current study examined Israeli researchers from various disciplines concerning their perceptions, attitudes and awareness of scientific publications in open access (OA) journals and repositories.Design/methodology/approachA survey instrument was developed and distributed to 202 Israeli researchers from universities, colleges and research institutions. The study used the united theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model as a tool for mapping the factors known to influence researchers to publish in OA journals and repositories.FindingsThe empirical model confirmed the mediating effect of the association between researchers’ perceptions and the actual publishing in OA, through their behavioral intentions (BI). Furthermore, the BI are mediated by researchers’ self-decision to publish in OA. More specifically, a researcher's publication level in OA depended not only on the positive attitudes (Atti), performance expectancy (PE) and social influence (SI) mediated by BI, but also on conditions that support researchers who publish in OA, and disciplinary affiliation to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) which lead the researcher to voluntarily publish in both green and gold OA.Research limitations/implicationsThis study contributed to the cumulative understanding of OA publishing by formulating and validating an empirical research model of acceptance and use.Practical implicationsThe implications of the findings for scientific publication theory and practices are discussed.Originality/valueThe study suggests an effective framework to understand the researcher's final decision to publish in OA. This study's results are an essential step towards the cumulative understanding of OA publicity adoption and use by researchers as a global issue in general and in Israeli academic institutions in particular.




Library and Information Sciences,Computer Science Applications,Information Systems

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