1. AIA (2000), Architects and Climate Change: Background Paper, American Institute of Architects, New York, NY.
2. BCA (2007), “News release ‐ first private developer to be awarded BCA's Green Mark platinum for environmental sustainability”, Building and Construction Authority, available at: www.bca.gov.sg/Newsroom/others/pr050407.pdf (accessed 20 October 2010).
3. BCA (2009a), Green Building Masterplan, 2nd ed., Building and Construction Authority, Singapore.
4. BCA (2009b), “Green mark scheme”, Building and Construction Authority, available at: www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/green_mark_buildings.html (accessed 16 December 2009).
5. BCA (2010), “BCA Green mark assessment criteria”, Building and Construction Authority, available at: http://bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/green_mark_criteria.html (accessed 20 October 2010).