Your class meets where? Library instruction for business and education graduate students at off‐campus centers


Clayton Susan


Provides insight into one university library's experience in delivering library instruction to off‐campus students in the School of Business and the School of Education while also exploring such issues as library instruction for graduate students, face‐to‐face instruction at off‐campus centers, uses of technology, faculty interaction, student needs, and librarian logistics. Examines the literature on this topic, to: review the current services offered to off‐campus students, review how the off‐campus library instruction takes place, discuss developments for the future, and present recommendations for improving the service. Finds that, at the University of Redlands, off‐campus library services are experiencing a time of growth. A goal of the library and the University to provide personalized library instruction to graduate students is gradually being realized. The off‐campus students are beginning to receive services equal to library services received by on‐campus students. Proposes that this study could be used to assist other colleges and universities in developing a program for library instruction for off‐campus students.




Library and Information Sciences

Reference20 articles.

1. ACRL Distance Learning Section Guidelines Committee (2003), “Guidelines for distance learning library services: a draft revision”, College & Research Libraries News, Vol. 64 No. 4, available at: (accessed March 16, 2004).

2. Bibb, D.D. (2003), “Distance center students deserve main campus resources”, Collection Building, Vol. 22 No. 1, pp. 5‐9.

3. Casado, M. (2001), “Delivering library services to remote students”, Computers in Libraries, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 32‐8, available at: (accessed March 17, 2004).

4. Cooper, R., Dempsey, P.R., Menon, V. and Millson‐Martula, C. (1998), “Remote library users – needs and expectations”, Library Trends, Vol. 47 No. 1, pp. 42‐64, available at: (accessed March 17, 2004).

5. Gandhi, S. (2003), “Academic librarians and distance education: challenges and opportunities”, Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 43 No. 2, pp. 138‐53, available at: (accessed March 22, 2004).

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