1. Lessons from the withdrawal of rofecoxib: ***
2. The counting house
3. Allen consulting group (2005),Measuring the impact of publicly funded research: Report to the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training, available at: www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/6FB9F35B‐FADD‐44C2‐A15F‐B145FF9416F6/1392/ report.pdf (accessed January 18, 2008).
4. Garfield and the impact factor
5. Bollag, B. (2006), “Group endorses principles for ranking universities”,Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 52, p. A40, The full‐text of the report is available online at: www.che.de/downloads/Berlin_Principles_IREG_534.pdf (accessed January 18, 2008).