Tran Khoa Tien,Le Nga,Nguyen Phuong V.
In response to increasing concerns about climate change and evolving public policies, consumer behaviour and attitudes are shifting towards the adoption of renewable energy solutions like photovoltaic (PV) panel systems. This study aims to address this shift by developing a conceptual framework grounded in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Diffusion of Innovation theory. The framework identifies and analyses the factors influencing Vietnamese consumers’ decisions to install PV panels, focusing on the roles of consumer innovativeness, government incentives and social influence. By examining these dynamics, this study offers insights to inform policy in promoting renewable energy adoption.
Data from 339 Vietnamese households were analysed using SmartPLS 3.0 to test the proposed hypotheses. A structured questionnaire survey focused on consumer innovativeness, government incentives and social influence. The partial least squares structural equation modelling approach was used to evaluate the relationships between constructs.
The findings indicate that consumer innovativeness significantly predicts knowledge, sustainable lifestyles and attitudes towards solar PV panels. Moreover, household attitudes are influenced by government incentives and knowledge, but not by sustainable lifestyles. Crucially, the intention to install solar PV panels among Vietnamese households is positively affected by facilitating conditions, government incentives and social influence.
The results can assist government officials and policymakers in emerging markets in devising strategies to alleviate environmental burdens and facilitate a shift towards sustainability. Furthermore, by understanding the factors impacting the residents’ intention, public communication can be improved to raise awareness of environmental concerns and sustainable lifestyles, which results in the encouragement of the purchase and installation intention of solar panels.