1. Brink, H. and Andresen, L. (2011), “Document supply in Denmark”, Interlending and Document Supply, Vol. 39 No. 4, pp. 176‐85.
2. Danish Library Agency (2007), “danZIG Profile Specification”, available at: www.bs.dk/publikationer/andre/danzig/01/ (accessed 24 July 2011).
3. Gatenby, J. (2007), “New standards for resource delivery”, available at: www.nlbconference.com/ilds/papers/plenary4B.ppt (accessed 24 July 2011).
4. ISO (1997a), “ISO 10160:1997 Open Systems Interconnection – Interlibrary Loan Application Service Definition”.
5. ISO (1997b), “ISO 10161‐1:1997 OSI – Interlibrary loan application protocol specification – Part 1: Protocol specification”.