1. Al‐Najjar, B. (1996), “Criteria for the selection of a cost‐effective maintenance policy”, MASDA, Växjö University.
2. Al‐Najjar, B. (1996), “On the effectiveness of vibration‐based monitoring programs”, Underhåll ’94, Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden (1994) and MASDA, Växjö University.
3. Al‐Najjar, B. (1997), “Improvement in effectiveness of vibration‐based condition monitoring system in paper mills”, MASDA, Research Report, Växjö University*.
4. Al‐Najjar, B. (to appear 1998), “Improvement in effectiveness of vibration‐based condition monitoring system in paper mills”, Journal of Engineering Tribology.
5. Al‐Najjar, B. and Kumar, U. (1997), “Improvement in effectiveness of vibration‐based condition monitoring system in paper mills: two case studies”, COMADEM ’97 Conference Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, May*.