1. Aberdeen City Council (2003), 2001 Census: Key Statistics – Aberdeen City, available at: www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?lID=1726&sID=332 (accessed 11 January 2012).
2. Aberdeen City Council (2009), European Parliamentary Election: Scotland Electoral Region: Aberdeen City Area, available at: www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?lID=24156&sID=2389 (accessed 12 January 2012).
3. Anon (2007), “Elaine C Smith and Donald Macdonald back SNP”, Holyrood Magazine, available at: www.holyrood.com/component/content/article/73-political-parties-and-think-tanks/1937- (accessed 17 July 2012).
4. Anon (2011), “Brand Alex has remoulded our politics”, The Scotsman, 7 May, p.
5. Barnes, E. (2011), “The history man”, The Scotsman, 7 May, p.