1. ALA (2008), “ALA Office for Research and Statistics 2008, 3/24/2008‐last update”, Academic Libraries in the United States: Statistical Trends, available at: www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/ors/statsaboutlib/academiclibraries.cfm (accessed 10 July, 2009).
2. Whose Decline?
3. Exploring new service models: Can consolidating public service points improve response to customer needs?
4. Kuchi, T., Mullen, L.B. and Tama‐Bartels, S. (2004), “Librarians without borders: reaching out to students at a campus center”, Reference and User Services Quarterly, Vol. 43 No. 4, p. 310.
5. An Evaluation of the Brandeis Model of Reference Service at a Small Academic Library