1. Combining gis, fuzzy logic, and AHP models for solid waste disposal site selection in Nasiriyah, Iraq;Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,2019
2. An integrated environmental management approach to industrial site selection by genetic algorithm and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process in a geographical information system;Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management,2018
3. Site suitability analysis of biogas digester plant for municipal waste using GIS and multi-criteria analysis;Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science,2019
4. Evaluation and application of AHP, MAUT and ELECTRE III for infrastructure management;Life-cycle analysis and assessment in civil engineering: Towards an integrated vision – Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on life-cycle civil engineering,,2019
5. Application of GIS-based multi-criteria decision technique in exploration of suitable site options for anaerobic digestion of food and biodegradable waste in Oita City, Japan;Environments,2018