1. 1 See, for example Moseley, P.T. and Tofield, B.C., Solid State Gas Sensors, IOP Publishing, Bristol (1987) for a comparison between the gas sensing properties of simple oxides with those of mixed metal oxides.
2. 2 Sollich, N., Ingrisch, H. and Brill, A. “Automatic control of ventilation in automobile cabins”, Sensor 97 (Nuremburg) Paper B1.3, Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, p. 89.
3. 3 McGeehin, P., Williams, D.E. and Pratt, K.F.E., “Self‐diagnostic chromium titanium oxide sensor”, Sensor 97 (Nuremburg), Paper B2.3, Conference Proceedings, Vol, 1, p. 125.
4. 4 McGeehin, P., Gleeson, P. and Walton, A., “Solid state ozone sensor for ppb to ppm operation”, Sensor 97 (Nuremburg), Paper B4.3 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, p. 171.
5. 5 Williams, D.E., Pratt, K.F.E., Jones, R.L. and Cox, R.A. to be published.