Capability based formulation and solution of multiple objective cell formation problems using simulated annealing


Baykasog¯lu Adil,Gindy Nabil N.Z.,Cobb Richard C.


An integer multiple objective non‐linear mathematical programming formulation is developed for simultaneously forming part/machine cells. In the proposed model, generic capability units which are termed as resource elements are used to define the processing requirements of parts and processing capabilities of machine tools. Machine capabilities are not generally taken into account in the previous cell formation procedures. Explicit consideration of unique and overlapping machine capabilities can result in better manufacturing cell designs with higher utilisation levels and less machine duplication. The proposed cell formation model has distinguishing features. Several important cell formation objectives, such as minimisation of part dissimilarity (based on production requirements and processing sequences of parts) in formed cells, minimisation of cell load imbalance, and minimisation of extra capacity requirements for cell formation, are considered. In order to solve the mathematical programming model, a simulated annealing algorithm is developed. Cooperative game theoretic approach is applied for evaluating multiple objectives.




Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Software

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