– The purpose of this paper is to present an integrated information systems–consumer behavior (IS-CB) model for e-shopping to examine the antecedents and consequences of e-shopping and usage behavior.
– The study tests 320 usable responses collected from e-shoppers against the integrated model using structural equation modeling.
– The main research results support the use of antecedents of e-shopping acceptance and usage by drawing from unified knowledge of IS and CB underpinnings. The findings show the significance of perceived value, social factors, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, entertainment gratification (EG), web irritation (WI), emotional state, and web atmospherics (WA) in the process of e-shopping.
Practical implications
– The results suggest that e-retailers should establish positive perceived value in consumers’ minds and uphold trust to foster favorable attitudes and intentions toward e-shopping and actual e-shopping purchase. Proper and good construction of WA can lead to useful and easy-to-use e-shopping sites, EG, and minimization of WI. Capitalizing on online social influences also would be an advantage.
– This paper bridges a gap in the studies of IS and CB, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the influence of IS and CB antecedents on acceptance and usage of e-shopping.
Economics and Econometrics,Sociology and Political Science,Communication
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91 articles.