Wani Javaid Ahmad,Ganaie Shabir Ahmad
This study aims to map the scholarly literature on human resource management (HRM) publishing intensity in journals listed in Web of Science (WOS) under the subject category “Information Science and Library Science,” between 1989 and 2022.
The current study used a “bibliometric research design,” which is a quantitative approach. Ten selected bibliometric indicators were used to measure the scientific literature: publication-related metrics, citation-related metrics, citation analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, co-word analysis, co-authorship analysis, network metrics, clustering and visualization. Moreover, Louvain’s clustering algorithm was used for network metrics.
The paper gives empirical insights into the scholarly literature on HRM. The results were analyzed for the 65 sources and 1,412 authors from 60 countries who contributed the most during this period. Moreover, the study highlights a glimpse of funding sources, open-access publishing patterns and venues of publishing.
Practical implications
The study would be very beneficial to researchers and practitioners across disciplines.
This study illustrates that HRM is a multidisciplinary field that is appealing to academics from various disciplines because of its unique emphasis on management, and as such, it necessitates the pooling and integration of people, information, expertise and strategies. The study investigates numerous quantitative indicators such as research trends and collaboration frameworks.
Library and Information Sciences
Cited by
5 articles.