What is the function of a university? Ivory tower or trade school for plumbers?


Barrett Brenda


In 1967 an academic wrote: “AA university is not a trade school for the production of plumbers”. He wrote about legal education which in England, as in many other countries, has a tradition of recognising academic study and vocational training as separate stages on the route to professional qualification. Thirty years ago universities catered for a relatively small sector of the population; concentrating on undergraduate studies for students entering at the age of 18. Notes the evolution in universities since that time and debates the experience universities should be providing for students today. It will suggest that the failure to distinguish the various forms of higher education is detrimental to the degree and this in turn is harmful to universities. It will conclude by questioning whether Dearing is likely to provide appropriate solutions to the problems





Reference6 articles.

1. Barrett, B. (1990), “What should we be learning about legal education?”, The Law Teacher, Vol. 24 No. 1, p. 3.

2. Dearing, R. (1997), Report of the National Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education.

3. Fowler, F.G. and Fowler, H.W. (1984), Oxford Dictionary, 7th ed.

4. Hunter, V. (1996), “Teaching plumbing with Periclean ideals: should it be done?”, Advocacy and Courtroom Scholarship, The Law Teacher, Vol. 30 No. 3, p. 330.

5. Karseth, B. (1997), “How to become a ‘proper’ university discipline? The cultural conflict in nursing science”, paper presented at “What kind of University?”, 18‐20 June.

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