Indonesia’s nickel export restriction policy: alternative on environmental approach for Article XI:1 GATT justification


Bari Rainer Marampa,Trihastuti Nanik,Hananto Pulung Widhi Hari


Purpose This paper aims to analyse the aspects of the demonstration process of Indonesia's regulation on nickel export restriction for its eligibility to be excluded from Article XI:1 GATT. It also analyses the possibility of the use of an environmental approach in the demonstration process and for an alternative measure in its implementation. Design/methodology/approach The paper uses a normative research method in conducting its analysis. It analyses Indonesia's nickel export restriction policy based on the European Union's claim regarding quantitative restriction, with the international trade governance in the WTO framework, and certain international trade principles. The study also involves certain WTO jurisprudence to give a comprehensive analysis to the case. Findings This paper finds that Indonesia still needs to provide a complete and comprehensive demonstration to prove its eligibility for exclusion from Article XI:1. Demonstrating merely based on an economic approach is inadequate to convince the panel in Indonesia – measure relating to raw material for justification under Article XI:2. This study further finds that both parties generally focus on the economic aspect, which leaves room for conflict of interest. Other aspects with a lower probability of conflict of interest, such as the environmental approach, could be an alternative for the implementation. Originality/value This paper fulfils the need to provide a scientific analysis of the application of Indonesia's nickel export restriction policy, including its proceedings in WTO's dispute settlement body, which is essential for international trade governance enforcement.




Law,Political Science and International Relations,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance,Industrial relations

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