1. Bitzenis, A. (2001a), “Is globalization consistent with the accumulation of FDI inflows in the Balkan countries? Regionalization for the case of FDI inflows in Bulgaria”, European Urban and Regional Studies.
2. Bitzenis, A. (2001b), “Economic policies and sequential path for a transition from Communism to democracy and from planned to market economy – the case of Bulgaria (1989‐2001): shock therapy or gradualism?”, Economics of Planning.
3. Bitzenis, A. (2001c), “The determinants of FDI in transition countries – incentives and barriers based on a questionnaire research: the case of Bulgaria (1989‐2000)”, in Chionis, D. and Petrakos, G. (Eds), International and Monetary Aspects of Transition in Southeastern Europe, pp. 89‐144.
4. Bitzenis, A. (2001d), “Foreign direct investment incentives and barriers: the case of the Greek entrepreneurs in Bulgaria (1989‐2001)”, Cyprus Economic Society (formerly The Cyprus Journal of Economics).
5. Bitzenis, A. (2001e), “Are the FDI inflows in Central and East European (CEE) countries and especially in Bulgaria a myth?”, Proceedings of International Conference – Balkans: Business and Educational Challenges and Perspectives, Interreg. II, M.6.3., University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki.