Rigor, relevance, and the knowledge “market”


Hamet Joanne,Michel Sylvie


Purpose The “relevance literature” often moans that the publications of top-ranked academic journals are hardly relevant to managers, while actionable research struggles to get published. The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach This paper addresses the relevance debate in management science through the theoretical frame of the theories of the firm. Findings This paper proposes that business organizations should tend to internalize specific applied research. Applied to management research, this could explain why the “market” for academic publications might be more relevant for generalizable and conceptual research than for applied, contextualized research. Research limitations/implications The paper is conceptual. However, it provides a new prospect to the rigor-relevance debate and to the ranking of researchers and business schools. Practical implications Business organizations should tend to internalize specific, applied research. Consequently, academic publications should concentrate on generalizable, “Mode 1” research. Social implications The conclusions could justify the evolution of the rating of universities and researchers towards a multi-dimensional rating, including measures of the socio-economic impact of the research, instead on focusing on academic publications only. Originality/value This paper offers a new point of view on the rigor-relevance debate. It supports the idea that applied and conceptual research are different forms of knowledge and should be “traded”, produced and rewarded differently.




Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous),Business and International Management

Reference102 articles.

1. Management fashion;Academy of Management Review,1996

2. Why management scholars must intervene strategically in the management knowledge market;Human Relations,2001

3. When knowledge wins: transcending the sense and nonsense of academic rankings;Academy of Management Learning & Education,2009

4. Bridging scholarship in management: epistemological reflections;British Journal of Management,2003

5. Actionable knowledge,2003

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