1. Anderson, D.M. and Killingray, D. (Eds), (1992, Policing And Decolonisation: Politics, Nationalism And The Police, 1917‐65, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
2. Arnold, D. (1986, Police Power and Colonial Rule, Madras 1859‐1947, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
3. Arnold, D. (1992, “Police power and the demise of British rule in India, 1930‐47”, in Anderson, D.M. and Killingray, D. (Eds), Policing And Decolonisation, Manchester University Press, Manchester, p. 47.
4. Banton, M. (1964, The Policeman In The Community, Tavistock, London.
5. Baxi, U. (1980, The Crisis of the Indian Legal System, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi.