1. Australian Foresight Institute (2006), Australian Foresight Institute (AFI) monograph series on social foresight (2004‐2006), available at: www.swin.edu.au/agse/courses/foresight/monographs.htm.
2. Conway, M. (2007), “Media and the futures field”, unpublished research document, SOPIFF project.
3. Flitton, D. (2009), “Secretly green”, The Age, January 17, p. 25.
4. Hines, A. and Bishop, P. (2006), Thinking about the Future: Guidelines for Strategic Foresight, Social Technologies, Washington, DC, available at: www.socialtechnologies.com/Content.aspx?PageID=22.
5. Kistler, W. (2006), “Foundation for the future: review of foundation activities 1996‐2006”, p. 2, available at: www.futurefoundation.org.